Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Love You Giant Robot.

Sweet Jesus. I am jaded no more. My faith in humanity has been restored, and it's all thanks to a giant fictional robot. If you haven't already guessed, I just finished watching, "The Iron Giant". Oh my GOD what an awsome movie. If you haven't seen it, STOP READING AND GO SEE IT! Every boys dream was to have a giant robot to do their bidding and that kid had one. And then when the robot sacrifices himself to save the whole town, Including the soldiers that were trying to kill it in the first place. Man... I'm not afraid to admit it... I cried like a baby. And then what happens, after they tear your heart from your chest? You find out that he is slowly repairing himself on some glacier in Iceland, one day to reunite with his long lost little buddy. Thats when I really broke down. Giant robots with hearts of gold get me every time. Reminds me of my own giant robot that I had when I was a kid. When are you comming home Stompy? WHEEEahahahahuhuhuhnnnnnn? You were to beautiful for this world. Why did they have to take you away form me?????? Wahhhh Haahhhhahahah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's true. i saw you cry like a baby...... but you weren't the first one to do it at the end of that movie.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember that robot you and Evan used to have? I think it did mathematics. Then someone left him in the sand box and he died.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Dezcab said...

He didn't die... he went back to his home planet. He said he was comming back... but he never did.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I burried him under a big rock.

12:12 PM  

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